Forkify is a search for recipes application. It allows the user to search for more than 1000 recipes, save the best ones as favorites, create our own recipes and to increase or decrease the servings. The application was coded using HTML, SASS and Modern JavaScript. The code was designed using MVC Architecture, it was divided into configuration, controller, helpers, models and the views. It was also used some dependencies gotten from NPM (fractional, node and regenerator runtime). To make it Forkify possible to be accessed in any version of any web browser, it was used Parcel to build it and push it to GitHub.
Bankist is a simple bank application where users can ask for a loan, transfer and delete the account. It was create with the objective of practicing arrays in JavaScript. It is a front-end application, there is four users registered. They are: rg, password 1111; mg, password: 2222; jt, password: 3333; cb, password: 4444